SSAGO Spring EGM 2024 Results

Jack Woodward (National SSAGO)

Thursday 25th of April 2024

As the SSAGO Spring Extraordinary General Meeting for 2024 comes to a close, it's time to announce the results of both the Secretary election, and the motion to adopt a new Constitution!

As the EGM finally draws to a close, it’s time to announce the results! I’ll get straight into it with the election of SSAGO's Secretary for 2024-25:


Grace Hinks: 48 (elected)

Caoimhe Witchalls: 32

David Russell: 31

Abstain: 2

Re-Open Nominations: 0


Congratulations to Grace on her successful election!


For the motion on adopting the new Constitution, the results were as follows:


Approve: 46

Abstain: 6

Do Not Approve: 4


This is, just about, quorate and meets the other requirements for constitutional amendments set out in the previous constitution, and so the motion passes, and SSAGO has a new constitution!


Thank you all for your engagement with this vital democratic process!